To describe in words the sound of an instrument has often proved difficult. For example, what do the terms “mellow, brilliant, or lively” mean when applied to sound? Differences in hearing and taste also add to the confusion. The same sound might be termed “dark” by one, or “muffled” by another. The instrument must satisfy subjective criteria and individual playing style. As such, finding the fitting or ideal guitar can be a drawn-out, difficult process of trying-out and comparing. To this you are herewith cordially invited.
On this site you can listen to some sound examples of CD productions of the last years. However they can give only a first impression since modern recording technology may drastically change the original sound.
Cordial thanks to all who gave me the permission to add samples of their CDs. Further information about the musicians and their recordings you will find in links.
Sascha Nowak Guitar Construction